'Assisting with Healing just slightly ahead of its time'
Pranic Healing REVIEWS / A Sampling of patient’s comments
Table of Contents:
Prevention of and Treatment of COVID Infections;
and Prevention of SIDE EFFECTS from
COVID Vaccination
(Also See TRAUMA)
1/11/2007: “One week after cutting off the end of my finger with a gas powered hedge clipper, I came for a Pranic Healing session. Within minutes my breathing became easier and more relaxed. The pain in my finger decreased noticeably by more than 50% And I was much calmer overall.”
S.S., Realtor
1/12/2019: “I have received several Pranic Healing treatments for Lupus. I have had an understanding and experience with similar energy medicine,  and  I could always feel the results while he did the PH Distant Treatment. Therefore, when he called me to let me know it was completed, I
could just say Thank You. I was less achy, had less pain overall, and more freedom of
movement after his treatments. I really appreciate the variety and depth of healing
practices that he always has to offer to his patients. He does amazing work.”
J.G., Teacher
6/14/2010: Client Testimonial following her First Distant Pranic Healing Treatment for Shingles: “After the Pranic Healing  treatment I felt less achy, my neck moves more freely,
especially on the right side, the shooting, burning pain in left neck is much better, just a
few twinges. I am sure to benefit from two more treatments. Thanks so much.
 After a Third Distant Pranic Healing Treatment: “Thank you for taking the time to do the 2 additional Distant Pranic Healing treatments.  My Shingles have subsided - the rash is fading and the shooting pains in my neck is gone as a result of the powerful energy work.”
“In 2019 I called Miracle Express to report that I was in the E.R. awaiting an angiogram due to an ‘irregular heartbeat’. That day I received one Pranic Healing treatment for Cardiac Arrhythmia with
the agreement that I would call back to report the results of the Angiogram as explained by the Cardiologist.
That afternoon, I called to deliver the results: “ The Cardiologist came into my room and looked at the notes and said: ‘I don’t know Why you’re here, I’m discharging you and you can go home now”
S. S., Lake Stephens, WA
STROKE: “In October of 2022 I experienced a stroke caused by the blocking of a cerebral blood vessel which sent me to the E.R. that morning. When I arrived, I was having very limited use of my upper extremity (hand and arm) on my right side to the point that when I was admitted to ASANTE I was unable to write my name legibly on the admitting documents. I believe that the stress of losing two family members within one week’s time was also a major contributing factor. I contacted my Pranic Healer immediately on the first day, and as I reported to him on my second day in the hospital, after one PH treatment I was able to write my name legibly on my ballot and vote!”
C.V., Retired, Medford, OR
STROKE: “I had a stroke in April of 2023, and was quickly medivaced to a local hospital. I think that my stroke was caused by my high blood pressure and history of poor health in general. My friend began a number of Pranic Healing treatments a day after I arrived at the hospital. The following week I was happy to hear from my Dr. that I would be discharged and sent home a week ahead of schedule.”
B.M., Retired, OR
Treatment for PREVENTION of Corona virus Infection
-1/4/21: Pre-Pranic Healing Treatment for Prevention of Corona virus Infection Patient 3- “My youngest daughter: Zela, age 8, is presenting with NO symptoms, and she has not been tested. Please, if you have a protocol to mellow Her out, do it! : ) She is bouncing off the walls with energy! Non-stop playing our board games, taking walks and mucho jumping on trampoline (weather permitting), and helping sanitize and Re-sanitize the house!” Patient 4- “Myself, age 41, have Tested Negative, and am presenting with NO symptoms besides being sore from inactivity due to our family being at home in compliance with Jackson County Health Department’s required 14 day quarantine. For my youngest daughter Zela and me, Jackson County’s Health Department says our ‘official at home quarantine’ will end on 1/18/2021.”
-1/5/21: Post-Pranic Healing Treatment for Prevention of Corona virus Infection “As I had mentioned previously: The evening following your Distant Pranic Healing Tx for us, we as a family had a wonderful dance party in the kitchen! Zela and I have dehydrated fruit, made whipped body butters, played board games, made homemade bread, re-organized all the cupboards in the kitchen and now we are doing hot glue gun crafts! When I am out of the quarantine, we will have some treats to share! Additionally: My Physical Pain/Discomfort Level prior to the Pranic Healing Treatment was 4 out of 10. My Emotional Stress Level prior to the Pranic Healing Treatment was 7 out of 10. This emotional stress resulted mainly in relation to a self imposed stigma of Covid -19 and our shared worry and concerns of the serious potential of spreading it around to other extended family during the holiday season. My Post Pranic Healing Treatment Pain/Discomfort Level: a decrease to 2 out of 10. My Post Pranic Healing Treatment Emotional Stress Level: a decrease to 3 out of 10” J.V., LMT, Medford, OR
2/9/2021: Pranic Healing treatments for patient receiving their second dose of COVID-19 vaccine:
2/9/21: First Pranic Healing Treatment: “I have been preparing myself emotionally all day for the real possibility that I may display moderate to severe symptoms and or side effects after tomorrow’s second COVID-19 vaccination. Many friends and colleagues have complained of feeling feverish, body pain/aches, nausea, fatigue, and headaches with every dose. My immune system is sensitive and it should be noted that I felt all of those effects after receiving my first vaccination on January 19th. While getting ready to take a couple days off for recovery, I was harboring a headache, felt wheezy due to the air quality, and feeling a little anxious. Later on, a few hours after receiving the first Pranic Healing treatment, I felt relaxed - even serene. My headache went from a ‘4’ to a ‘1’ and I was able to sleep very well without any wakefulness from mental stress or from my earlier wheezing/breathing troubles.”
2/10/21: Second P.H. Treatment: “Today, I received my second dose of the vaccine around 8:30AM. I believe that due to your careful coaching for me in advance, on how and what to visualize on the day of the vaccination, was a big part of what made the injection process like a breeze while feeling only a slight pain. I'm happy to report that I did not sense any immediate discomforting effects such as those which I had experienced with the first dose of the vaccine. If anything, I felt energized and was soon able to begin finishing a few projects around our home. Later in the day I started feeling pain at the injection site and had one bout of loose bowels. Those were the only times that my body had any post-vaccination reactions. I went to bed at my normal time, slept well and woke up rested.”
2/11/21: Third P.H. Treatment: “Upon waking the day after the vaccine, I still felt no COVID-like symptoms or serious reactions/side effects from the previous day’s vaccination. Truly, I was shocked. This was not at all like my experience which had followed the first vaccination in January. While I was not as energized as the day of, I was able to easily and normally navigate through my day. In the morning, I did notice pain and itchiness resuming at the injection site. The pain radiated around into my armpit and was affecting one of my lymph nodes which produced some sensitivity that went into my fingers. While not extremely common, people have reported similar side effects, so I was not concerned. Later in the day, I also felt some heartburn brewing. Later on, after that evening’s third Pranic Healing treatment, the days earlier arm pain had reduced about 50% - which was enough for me to sleep without discomfort and again wake up feeling well rested. My heartburn was also reduced by around 75% and I was relieved that I didn't need to reach for Tums before bed. Thanks again!”
C.R., LMT, Medford, OR -
CARDIAC ISSUES – IREGULAR HEARTBEAT In 2019 I called Miracle Express to report that I was in the E.R. awaiting an angiogram due to an ‘irregular heartbeat’. That day I received one Pranic Healing treatment for Cardiac Arrhythmia with the agreement that I would call back to report the results of the Angiogram as explained by the Cardiologist. That afternoon, I called to deliver the results: “ The Cardiologist came into my room and looked at the notes and said: ‘I don’t know Why you’re here, I’m discharging you and you can go home now”
S.S., Retired, Lake Stephens, WA -
EYE PROBLEMS Eye Surgery: In 2020 I had retina transplant surgery for my right eye. I received 3 Pranic Healing treatments for that procedure, one treatment the day before surgery, the second treatment on the day of surgery and the final one the day following surgery. The surgeon was surprised that I needed no pain medications and could already see out of the new retina on the first day following surgery. In 2021 I had a retina transplant for the left eye and the healing result through receiving Pranic Healing was the same as in 2020.
R.B., Retired, Grants Pass, OR
9/30/19 POST First PH Tx for “ASTIGMATISM” Comments: “I have noticed that today things are less blurry at distance and my eyes and surrounding area feel relaxed with less pressure. Additionally, last night my face and eyes felt waves of relaxation and relief of tension. It was a really pleasant feeling that I am enjoying at this moment.”
10/1/19 POST Second PH Tx for “ASTIGMATISM” Comments: “I'm still riding the wave of relaxation in my face from your treatment. I felt waves of relaxation and tension release again last night around 6:00pm. I also played video games later in the night without the use of my prescription eye glasses and had an easier time seeing while gaming. Additionally, my eyes feel like they have more room and feel less "sticky" as I move them.”
K.L., Wrestling Coach, Phoenix, OR
- HEADACHE/COLD/FLU SINUS INFECTION: 3/14/2007: “I came to Dennis with a sinus infection and serious head cold and cough that had kept me in bed for a couple of days. After receiving one Pranic Healing treatment I was able to go downhill skiing all day the following day. I was relieved of the disorienting sinus pressure that had been with me for about one and a half weeks previously and my breathing was very close to normal while skiing.
L. L., Graphic Designer, Jacksonville, OR
- HYPERTENSION: 9/25/2018: First Distant Pranic Healing Tx: -Patient states: “The week before first PH Tx B/P was 180/90 and at times up to 180/110 requiring a trip to Emergent Care. Initially before Beginning PH Tx I was approximately Level 7 out of 10 Anxiety/Depression. - After the 1st Tx that Level of Anxiety/Depression had changed to 4-5 After the First PH Tx B/P was 141/79 which helped increase my Focus and Concentration w/o the usual attending fatigue & stress. Decrease in Chest Pain/tightness from 7-8 to 5-6.” -9/28/2018: Second Distant PH Tx Patient states: “Following the 2nd PH Tx my B/P was 135/76. I have experienced ongoing lessening of Fogginess & Anxiety following each PH Tx. I have been having more interest in Life and what were previously normal pursuits. I am now at Level 3 Anxiety/Depression. Chest pain/tightness has decreased to 4.”
-10/1/2018: Third PH Tx: Patient states: “Following the 3rd PH Tx my B/P was 120/76 I felt like I have had an emotional re-set and alignment. I have more interest in Life and am feeling like I have an Increased level of awareness of the things that I can do on my own to maintain my new/current improved state. My sense of anxiety & depression is non-existent and chest pain has gone away. After the 3 PH Tx , my Dr.’s tests indicated that I could eliminate 2 out of 3 B/P meds that I’d been on for 18 months… And I have also recently lost 12 pounds of bodyweight due to my newly returned ability to be much more active and involved in regular and routine tasks. I’d like to give Thanks to the highly skilled method of delivery of the PH TX’s that I have benefited from as examples of a skillful Healer/Mentor/Teacher.”
C.V., Retired, Medford, OR
- KIDNEY FAILURE 2/4/2020: “While he was away from home my Uncle was stricken with Kidney Failure. He was feverish, nearly totally disabled physically, unable to walk without assistance. Speech was very difficult due to the amount of pain he was experiencing. He was finally admitted to a hospital for dialysis. I immediately thought to call you and request a Distant Advanced Pranic Healing for him. Following his first PH treatment, the next day he was able to walk unassisted, had a very cheery attitude and was discharged from the hospital. Thanks so much for the Pranic Healing treatment!”
Dr. S.S., Medford, OR
- LUPUS: 1/12/2019: “I have received several Pranic Healing treatments for Lupus. I have had an understanding and experience with similar energy medicine,  and  I could always feel the results while he did the PH Distant Treatment. Therefore, when he called me to let me know it was completed, I could just say Thank You. I was less achy, had less pain overall, and more freedom of movement after his treatments. I really appreciate the variety and depth of healing practices that he always has to offer to his patients. He does amazing work.”
J.G., Teacher, Medford, OR
- ORAL SURGERY/ROOT CANALS: ORAL SURGERY: “In 2018, on separate dates, I twice underwent oral surgeries for dental implants and underwent two root canals that year. Before each of the four procedures, I received the three recommended Pranic Healing sessions for minor surgery. Following both oral surgeries and root canals, I needed no pain medication the following day and had practically no swelling or blood loss. Thank You!”
D.S., LMT, Medford, OR -
PAIN RELIEF (Also See TRAUMA) 3/22/2017: “My horse accidentally pulled back while I was walking him out of the pasture & the result was a severe sprain to my middle finger.  It swelled up to the size of a bratwurst and turned various shades of dark purple and red. I could not use it, which is not good since I work with my hands. After one brief session of PH, the swelling and bruising decreased exponentially. It was like magic when I unwrapped my finger after just one treatment and all the horrific bruising was 80% gone! ”
C.R., LMT, Medford, OR
- LUMBAR and KIDNEY PAIN: 4/20/2020:. “I arrived for a massage appointment and was not able to even get on the table because of lower back pain that seemed to be radiating from my Kidney areas. We decided not to complete a ‘Hands-on’ physical massage session, but instead for me to go home and rest with the understanding that a Pranic Healing treatment would be delivered distantly, with a second session the following day. Previously, I had received distant healing when I had problems with pain and stiffness in my hands after a motorcycle accident, so I was aware that that process had been very helpful in the past. The following day I woke up in the morning with limited discomfort. By noon I had forgotten about the pains with which had I struggled the day before and easily completed Saturday’s yard work, lawn mowing, and washing of our TWO cars. My body no longer had the pains and my energy level was improved by 100% and I had regained my appetite. The following couple of days things continually improved. It has now been over 24 hours since the first and second distant healing treatments and I have not had a reoccurrence of Friday’s disabling pains. I had a good night sleep last night with no pain or discomfort getting in and out of bed.
R.S. Publisher, Medford, OR
11/30/2019: “I have been having tightness throughout the left side of my body due to a surgery in 2013 that year where implants were installed to fuse a joint in my foot. On November 30th, about 5 - 6 hours after this morning’s first Pranic Healing treatment, I experienced a loosening of the left side of my neck and left shoulder. Along with the loosening of the muscles, I experienced feelings of bliss and relaxation. As I slept, I could feel my body re-aligning all the way down to my feet. Since the initial injury/surgery I have had tightness throughout the left side of my body due to the surgery where implants were installed to fuse a joint in my foot and last night was the first time I felt relief in my neck from the tightness the implants are causing. The next morning, I found that my range of motion (ROM) in my neck has increased to about 75% without stiffness compared to the usual 30-40%, and I felt much more centered in my body which is important to me as a high school wrestling coach and fitness professional.” 12/3/19 2nd PH Tx for ‘Stiff Neck’ comments: “This morning December 3rd, following yesterday’s Pranic Healing on December 2nd, I experienced a similar relaxation and loosening of my body, especially the left side of my neck and my left shoulder and chest around 10am. Later in the afternoon after wrestling practice, I felt an increase in my necks ROM to a full 100% in all planes of motion. - 12/4/19 3rd PH Tx for ‘Stiff Neck’ comments: “Today, December 4th , I am pleased to report that the major improvements in ROM (Now at approx. 95%!) and the fact that I have no pain in my Left neck and Left shoulder are holding steady.”
K.L., Wrestling Coach, Phoenix, OR
1/24/2005: “I have had a significant pain with a knot on my upper calf muscle since last summer. Following one Pranic healing treatment with Dennis last week that spot is now barely noticeable.”.
K.W. , Nanny, Jacksonville, OR
2/12/2007: “For the past 6 years I have had a chronic ache in my left leg, from above the kneecap to the big toe. Frequently the discomfort would keep me awake nights because I couldn’t find any position to lie in that was comfortable. Since experiencing one Pranic Healing session with Dennis last week, I have been able to completely forget about my chronic leg pain.” M. H., Student, Ashland, OR
- RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: 11/12/2018: “For the past several months, I have been dealing with various respiratory challenges due to wildfires and allergies.  My asthma is often triggered by bad air which makes it hard to enjoy most of my hobbies.  I came down with bronchitis in September after not being able to fight off hazardous air any longer.  Dennis took extra care to incorporate Pranic Healing in our sessions so that I could gain some respite.  Not only did my asthma symptoms diminish, but my down-time with bronchitis was remarkably reduced.  I was able to go back to work quickly.  It was a gift to be able to take a deep breath! ”
C.R., LMT, Medford, OR
- SERIOUS INFECTIONS GALL BLADDER INFECTION: A.B. ‘s DISTANT PRANIC HEALING for ‘GALL BLADDER INFECTION’ 2/3/2018: Dr. S.’s Initial Report: “Pt. is in ICU with infected Gall Bladder. 104 degree fever, multiple anti-biotic medications are being administered, IV fluids and electrolytes for hydration, kidney and respiratory systems functioning poorly. - B/P 141/88 - O2 Saturation 92% - Heart Rate 84”: 2/3/2018: – Post 1st Distant Pranic Healing Tx Report for ‘GALL BLADDER INFECTION’: “Pt. has been responding positively to treatment overnight and has been moved out of ICU to a nonsurgical room. Vital signs have been stabilizing. Fever has been reduced to 99 degrees. We are able to discontinue all but one antibiotic. Pt. is no longer delirious and is able to describe some feelings and symptoms with clarity.” 2/4/2018: Post – 2nd Pranic Healing Tx Report for ‘GALL BLADDER INFECTION’: “Pt. continues to have a positive response to treatment. Vital signs are starting to stabilize. Temperature is 98 degrees. Kidney and respiratory system function improving. We have reduced most medications. IV fluids continue to be administered. Pt. now communicates with normal clarity and is moving slowly with minimal assistance” 2/5/2018: Post – 3rd Distant Pranic Healing Tx Report for ‘GALL BLADDER INFECTION’: “Pt. was discharged to home today. Most of the Pt.’s meds have been discontinued. Pt. reports feeling much improved and has a temporary drain installed for the liver for the next several weeks. Once the Surgeon is satisfied with the drainage amount, she will return for the gall bladder surgery. She is able to eat (soft) solid food and has been navigating around home w/o assistance. She will be continuing with home rest and monitored by medical staff as needed. Thank you for providing the successful Distant Advanced Pranic Healing” (Patient’s Colleague)
C.R., LMT, Medford, OR
URINARY BLADDER CYST w/ BLEEDING: 6/28/2023: “I have been dealing with much physical and emotional stress which has caused a bladder cyst and passing blood clots in my urine as well as pain and pressure. Since receiving three Pranic Healing sessions the bleeding has stopped. There is no pain in the bladder and I am more aware of what I need to do to improve its health. I think you could say I have also had a psychological shift that I feel toward what my purpose is in life and how I am going to fulfill it and find the resolve to carry on and get it done. I am also noticing that I am more decisive, and even times I was frustrated I was able to stay buoyant, confident and focused. My mind is way more confident and I can tell that you are doing something along those lines too.”
I.T., Hilo, Hawaii
- PNEUMONIA 3/12/2019: L.W.’s PNEUMONIA: Distant Pranic Healing Treatment for PNEUMONIA: “My Sister Laurel was rushed to our ER today and is in ICU Isolation with possible Pneumonia Her current status is: Her breathing requires ventilator assistance, multiple antibiotics, an anti-fungal, IV fluids with electrolyte replacement and some epinephrine. Her vitals are as follows: BP 111/64 O2 Saturation 94% Heart Rate 80 This was at 11:30 this morning.” Post - 1 st Distant Advanced Pranic Healing Treatment for PNEUMONIA Report: “Today, they had to medically induce a coma to be able to deliver the very invasive Bronchoscope treatment to clear the debris in her lungs. She remains critical as she is requiring far above minimal delivery of oxygen to her lungs. Some changes today in her metabolic status: (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, kidney function and liver function began showing ‘mild improvement’. They have taken a fungus viral panel to rule out a fungal type of pneumonia. Last night her vitals remained stable with external support.”
Post - 2nd Distant Advanced Pranic Healing Treatment for PNEUMONIA Report: “They are beginning to reduce the meds used for yesterday’s medically induced coma and conclude that part of the treatments. The report today is considerably BETTER than yesterday: The level of O2 they are giving her on the ventilator went from 80% - 50%! (‘normally we breathe on our own at 21%’). Her chest x-ray came back much Clearer today than yesterday. The sputum samples they took via the Bioscopy procedure yesterday are being analyzed and staph is suspect but they are continuing to treat her with 3 different antibiotics. Her kidney functions were low and today they are Perfectly Normal!”
Post - 3rd Distant Advanced Pranic Healing Treatment for PNEUMONIA Report: “I just spoke to the ICU nurse and the bacteria that they discovered was Legionella associated with Legionnaires disease. Now that they have a specific bacteria to treat they have just now been able to discontinue two of three antibiotics they were treating her with and are just administering only the antibiotic specific to her diagnosis. Her Vitals continue to stabilize. Her Physicians and support staff say they are increasingly optimistic seeing such rapid progress. Thank you for delivering the 3 Distant PH Tx.”
- Final Report Following the Sixth Distant Advanced Pranic Healing Tx for ‘Pneumonia’: “I spoke to the Dr. and in order to get my sister off of the ventilator and to reduce the discomfort of the tube, she had been scheduled for a Tracheotomy tomorrow. The idea was that by inserting a tube into her windpipe she would then be able to breathe easier and become more conscious, therefore being able to participate in her recovery more. When I called the hospital in the evening, they told me ‘my sister had pulled out #1- the ventilator tube (w/ temporary damage to her vocal cords), #2- ‘Central IV Line in her jugular, #3- catheters, #4- got herself out of the ICU Bed, #5- then Ran down the hallway and asked for a glass of water’. She has been able to breathe with just the assistance of the nasal cannula for 5 hours now and her O2 saturation is at 97%!! If she is able to keep this up, she is now essentially breathing with little assistance and may not need the tube inserted from her throat to her lungs in the morning. We are talking WOW, a 180 degree turn! Hospital Staff joked that ‘She was So Done with that tube!!’ and they are ‘using the term Miracle to describe her rapid recovery!’ They will be moving her out of ICU and sending her home today. Thanks for All of the help you have given my sister through your Pranic Healing treatments.”
(Patient’s Sister): C.W., Paso Robles, CA
- SHINGLES 6/14/2010: Client Testimonial following her First Distant Pranic Healing Treatment for Shingles: “After the Pranic Healing  treatment I felt less achy, my neck moves more freely, especially on the right side, the shooting, burning pain in left neck is much better, just a few twinges. I am sure to benefit from two more treatments. Thanks so much.  After a Third Distant Pranic Healing Treatment: “Thank you for taking the time to do the 2 additional Distant Pranic Healing treatments.  My Shingles have subsided - the rash is fading and the shooting pains in my neck is gone as a result of the powerful energy work.”
T.B., LMT, Paisley, OR -
SURGERY, PRE AND POST TREATMENTS Eye Surgery: In February of 2020 I had retina transplant surgery for my right eye. I received 3 Pranic Healing treatments for that procedure, one treatment the day before surgery, the second treatment on the day of surgery and the final one the day following surgery. The surgeon was surprised that I needed no pain medications and could already see out of the new retina on the first day following surgery. In January of 2021 I had a retina transplant for the left eye and the healing result through receiving Pranic Healing was the same as in 2020.
R.B., Retired, Grants Pass, OR
PACEMAKER REPLACEMENT Surgery: “In 2020 I was eighty years old and underwent minor surgery to replace my pacemaker. I received the three recommended Pranic Healing sessions. Two days after that invasive surgery I could sense no discomfort or negative effects from having had that procedure.
B.M., Retired, Medford, OR
SURGERY: ORAL SURGERY and ROOT CANALS: “In 2018, on separate dates, I twice underwent oral surgeries for dental implants and underwent two root canals that year. Before each of the four procedures, I received the three recommended Pranic Healing sessions for minor surgery. Following both oral surgeries and root canals, I needed no pain medication the following day and had practically no swelling or blood loss. Thank You!”
D.S., LMT, Medford, OR
- TRAUMA/ACCIDENTS SKULL FRACTURES and INTERCRANIAL BLEEDING: 6/26/23: “Recently my 12 year old niece fell out of a moving golf cart and sustained a severe head injury. She lost consciousness initially and then was not cognizant upon awakening. Her tests at the hospital showed skull fractures and bleeding into the brain and she was evacuated by helicopter to a bigger hospital anticipating surgery. The bleeding stopped and surgery was not required but she was sent home the next day and told to stay in a dark room (her eyes were sensitive to light) and not be active for the next three weeks. She had a severe headache. I found out about the injury the day that she was discharged to home. I then immediately requested Miracle Express to begin Pranic healing as soon as possible for concussion, contusion, and the fracture. Within one week she was out of bed and back to her usual self with no headache. She now has to wait two weeks for her doctor's appointment to clear her but I am betting she will be able to attend summer camp as was planned before the injury. Thank You!
R.S. for Niece A.L. in Oshkosh, Wisconsin
- SKULL FRACTURES and CONCUSSION 7/23/2007 “On Thursday of last week I fell on the sidewalk in front of my house and landed on my face on concrete and fractured my nose, including the cranial bones inside. When I came for a Pranic Healing session the following morning, Friday, I had 2 black eyes and my face was purple and black and blue on the eyelids, forehead and upper lip and the bridge of my nose was raw and my upper lip also had a deep gash. My chin also had a gash running from my lower lip to under my jaw. Following the first Pranic Healing session I was able to sleep the entire night through without the previous night’s excruciating pain. I came for another session on Saturday and there was very visible improvement in the 24 hours following the first session. Today is Tuesday, 5 days after the injury, and except for the visible abrasion on the bridge of my nose, my face has almost totally returned to it’s normal color, the swelling has been reduced by more than 90% and my teeth no longer hurt. My natural ability to heal myself from injuries has been accelerated by the Pranic Healing, where it seems that a couple of weeks have passed to reach the state I’m at, instead of only 5 days!”
J. P., Artist, Ashland, OR
MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT VICTIM: WHIPLASH, FACIAL LACERATIONS, ORBITAL FRACTURE and CONCUSSION: 6/12/2022 "On the way to work, my 19 year old stepson was hit by a car while riding his electric scooter. He had scrapes all over his back, arms, and face. He also had a large, open wound on his forehead and several broken teeth. The ER doctors ran a battery of tests as they were concerned about brain injury - thankfully there was no swelling. He did receive 16 stitches to his forehead, plus several inside and outside his mouth. He was diagnosed with whiplash, a concussion, hematoma to his sacral area, avulsion fracture to the right side of his nose, and numerous lacerations/abrasions to his back, arms, head, and shoulders. After the PH treatment, he was able to sleep through the night with minimal discomfort. The swelling around both eyes has been greatly reduced. He can actually open both of them, which wasn't the case two days ago. Medication has been reduced to 2 ibuprofen , 3x/day - which is phenomenal! He's able to open his mouth wide enough to eat and drink. We even caught him laughing while we were taking pictures of his progress :-) Second treatment completed: He is definitely sleeping through the night without pain. The inflammation and swelling in his face is almost non-existent. The abrasions on his back are now a light pink. His only complaint of pain is in his mouth where the stitches are and the sensitivity of his broken teeth. At worst, it rates at 5 on the pain scale. Medication is still holding steady with ibuprofen 3x/day. His memory is becoming sharper and is feeling less foggy. Third treatment completed: Swelling everywhere is almost all gone and the only abrasion that still has a deep color is on his sacrum (where we believe the bumper of the vehicle hit him). The deep, irritated redness of this forehead scar is completely gone. It looks like something that has had weeks to heal, not mere days! He feels very little pain and only takes a couple of Ibuprofen morning and night. We are staying on top of his hydration which helps his headaches from the concussion. Overall, the doctor is pleased with his light-speed recovery!"
C.R., LMT, Medford, OR
- URINARY SYSTEM: URINARY BLADDER CYST w/ BLEEDING: 6/28/2023: “I have been dealing with much physical and emotional stress which has caused a bladder cyst and passing blood clots in my urine as well as pain and pressure. Since receiving three Pranic Healing sessions the bleeding has stopped. There is no pain in the bladder and I am more aware of what I need to do to improve its health. I think you could say I have also had a psychological shift that I feel toward what my purpose is in life and how I am going to fulfill it and find the resolve to carry on and get it done. I am also noticing that I am more decisive, and even times I was frustrated I was able to stay buoyant, confident and focused. My mind is way more confident and I can tell that you are doing something along those lines too.”
I.T., Hilo, Hawaii
- KIDNEY FAILURE 2/4/2020: “While he was away from home my Uncle was stricken with Kidney Failure. He was feverish, nearly totally disabled physically, unable to walk without assistance. Speech was very difficult due to the amount of pain he was experiencing. He was finally admitted to a hospital for dialysis. I immediately thought to call you and request a Distant Advanced Pranic Healing for him. Following his first PH treatment, the next day he was able to walk unassisted, had a very cheery attitude and was discharged from the hospital. Thanks so much for the Pranic Healing treatment!”
Dr. S.S., Medford, OR
- PRANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR EMOTIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES - STRESS: (See DEPRESSION) - DEPRESSION: PRANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY Tx for ‘DEPRESSION 10/15/2018: DEPRESSION: 1st Treatment: “This year has been rather mild in regard to SAD as the weather only started turning gloomy & dark fairly recently. I asked for help more as a preventative measure, but was definitely starting to feel the effects. Insomnia, wakefulness, anxiety, & diminished focus were popping up over the past week to 10 days. Immediately after the first PH treatment, I felt a wave of calm come over me. My heart-space felt lighter and my anxiety was greatly reduced by about 80%. It was soothing enough that I basically felt ready to go to bed early that night - which is unusual as I can stay awake well into the midnight hour. I slept so deeply that night! I managed to pull almost 9 hours of sleep without any wakefulness. It gave me a great enough boost throughout the day & I was able to complete all my errands without feeling a complete drain by the afternoon. It had been the first time in a number of days where I didn’t feel down or stressed over my exhaustion. Also was able to complete a few crafts and projects that have been sitting on my table. Great feeling overall. Thank You!” 2nd Treatment: “My sleep is the first thing that is affected by SAD. I have a hard time falling asleep and my circadian rhythm is disrupted. Before the delivery of the first PH treatment, the previous few nights my eyes opened as if it’s time to start the day at 2 or 3 am. After arising, It thoroughly inhibits my ability to focus on my job and hobbies, which is not great during the holiday season. After the first treatment, my old sleep cycle felt like it was nearly back. He followed up with a second treatment the next day, which made a big difference allowing my sleep to go from 75% restless to 25% restless. Other than waking a couple of times to adjust my position, I slept through the night. I woke up feeling rested and with no anxiety about my day. I have two horses which means I need to be alert and aware of their sensitivity. Generally when afflicted with SAD, I don’t find the motivation to spend more than the minimal time with my horses and often feel sluggish. After this treatment, I was able to clean, feed, and play without feeling exhausted.” - 3rd Treatment: “This treatment felt the deepest. I could sense the swirling and bubbling around my heart & abdomen. It was as if a congestion or blockage was clearing and light was pouring through. I felt a little bit of buzzing around the solar plexus, then it calmed down - which also induced a calmness in me. Earlier in the day, I felt a little sluggish and sad over the loss of a wild bird I was caring for. There was also a heaviness due to the darkness & raininess today. After the treatment, that heaviness lifted and my heartfelt light. I was able to take a deep breath and am looking forward to another good night’s sleep. My sleep has been much better and less wakeful since the first treatment. Overall, I am feeling about 99% better than before we started. This is imperative as I am getting ready to move houses and need all the rest/motivation I can get! I am grateful for the Pranic healing treatment and return of my healthy energy, stamina and focus.”
C.R., LMT, Medford, OR
- GRIEF: PRANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY for STRESS and GRIEF: Distant Pranic Psychotherapy Tx’s for STRESS and GRIEF 7/15/2017: “Following the first Pranic Psychotherapy Tx for ‘STRESS’ and ‘GRIEF’ related to the passing away of a loved one last week, I felt the burden of emotional stress, heartache and my level of grieving had lifted by almost 75% - 80%. The feeling of the deeply congested heavy energy in solar plexus has begun to decrease. I also felt waves of calm begin to take the place of my previous stress level. The quality of the calming effects was very similar to that which I experience after doing my regular, daily meditations. The night of the first PH Tx I was able to resume nearly normal sleep” Post – 2nd Pranic Psychotherapy Tx for ‘GRIEF’ “I experience much less heartache following each Pranic psychotherapy Tx for ‘Grief’. The feeling of deeply congested heavy energy in solar plexus has continued to lighten. My ability to even give thoughts to something as simple and ‘normal’ as eating to stay strong has begun to return. I feel like both my emotional balance and attitude have improved by at least 80% following the two Pranic psychotherapy Tx for Grief.” Post – 3rd Pranic Psychotherapy Tx for ‘GRIEF’ “I haven’t felt anything I would exactly describe as Grief after the First Tx. The grief pain in the solar plexus that was a strong presence during the previous week when I had to make the serious decisions organizing cremation, etc. has not reoccurred and I feel like I am returning to my normal balance and positive attitude. I look forward to another Pranic healing Tx and continuing the big progress that I am experiencing.”
R. S. Medical Technologist, Grand Junction, CO -
Fractured Skull and Concussion Treatment
6/26/23 “Recently my 12 year old niece fell out of a moving golf cart and sustained a severe head injury. She lost consciousness initially and then was not cognizant upon awakening. Her tests at the hospital showed skull fractures and bleeding into the brain and she was evacuated by helicopter to a bigger hospital anticipating surgery. The bleeding stopped and surgery was not required but she was sent home the next day and told to stay in a dark room (her eyes were sensitive to light) and not be active for the next three weeks. She had a severe headache. I found out about the injury the day that she was discharged to home. I then immediately requested Miracle Express to begin Pranic healing as soon as possible for concussion, contusion, and the fracture. Within one week she was out of bed and back to her usual self with no headache. She now has to wait two weeks for her doctor's appointment to clear her but I am betting she will be able to attend summer camp as was planned before the injury.
Thank You!”
R.S. for Niece A.L., Oshkosh, WI